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No Pain for Fish? / No Pain for Fish? Do you think the sport of fishing is cruel? When a fish is caught on a hook and wriggling for its life, it does seem cruel. For many years people have debated on whether fishing is cruel or not. Recently researchers have a made a new claim pointing that fishing isn’t cruel because they cannot feel any pain. The latest report made by a team of seven scientis..
Cats.. to Save Birds / What Causes Headaches? Is It OK to Harm Cats to Save Birds? Do you love cats? A large number of people all over the world keep cats as pets. It is true that cats are lovely animals. But it is also true that they kill many birds! In order to preserve native birdlife, New Zealand launched a campaign to eradicate cats in the country. This campaign has made cat lovers very angry. Do you think it is OK t..
A Bomb Proof Train Carriage / Egg within an Egg? A Bomb Proof Train Carriage in London (01-02-2013) _1 When a bomb explodes in a moving train, people in and outside are hurt by the exploding debris. To protect the passengers the prototype carriage had new ceiling panels that come down to protect people from flying objects. Attached by a special wire, the ceiling panels work as a shield for the passengers. Plastic coated wind..
Wealthy Chinese Wealthy Chinese Visit Britain for Holidays (31-01-2013) _ 1 Britain is gaining popularity among luxury travel destinations. Many people believe that the key factor was the 2012 London Olympics. France turned out to be the most popular country among them. France has always been a popular place for Chinese tourists. The United States is the second most popular country.
Drinking Milk / Nobel Prize! (1.30) 1. Drinking Milk Could Help You Win a Nobel Prize! (30-01-2013) _ 1 Recently, British researchers released the results of a very interesting study. They studied the relation between drinking milk and winning Nobel Prizes. They found that countries whose people consumed the most milk and dairy products per capita won the most number of Nobel Prizes per capita! 2. Library with N..
시작은 안정적으로 ... "The Times 영어신문(주간)" 을 아들과 함께 읽기로 계획하여 1월부터 구독하고 실천에 옮기려 한다.(KIDS TIMES로 정함) 난 늘 생각과 실천이 빠르다. 나의의 약속을 먼저 지키려 한다. 1. 하루 2칼럼씩만 읽는다. 2. 새로운 소식에 중심을 두고 공부를 하기 위한것이 아니라는 생각으로 읽는다. 3...
요점정리 (폐기물처리기사) 폐기물처리 기사 요약 ⎐ Reduce(source reduction) 줄임 ⎐ Redesign 재설계 ⎐ Repair(fix) 고쳐씀 ⎐ Reuse 재이용 ⎐ Recycle 재활용 ⎐ Regulate 규제 폐기물처리기사 요점정리.hwp
2013년 시험 일정 2013년도 일정이다. 작년에 갑자기 큰일을 당하는 바람에 하지 못한 공부를 다시 해야겠다. 화이팅~~ 2013년도 국가기술자격검정 시행 공고문.hwp