<나의영어일기> (8) 썸네일형 리스트형 verb. 1. get 1) Where did you get this book? 2) Did you get a new laptop? 3) I got a new headphone. 4) I’ll go get a pizza. 5) Did you get my massage? 6) I got the package. 7) will you go get the laundry? 8) I’ll go get the package. 9) It’s getting late. 10) I’m getting hungry. 11) Easy English is getting more fun. 12) It’s getting warmer and warmer. 13) I’m already got h.. SETEC 오프라인 모임을 다녀오다.(소리영어) "듣는 즐거움" 2018년 4월 21일(토) 우연히 알게 된 윤재성 영어에 대해 관심을 갖고 찾아간 성남 설명회. 2018년 11월 18일(일) 7개월의 시간이 흘렀다. 처음, 4개월 / 두번째 2개월 / 세번째 2개월의 과정이 진행 중이다. 쉼없이 영어와 접촉한다는 것이 대단하지 않은가? 이제껏 글을 외우고 듣.. I saw the animation movie that is titled Rapunzel. < Friday, December 8 > o I got up at 4:50 am this morning. o And I saw the movie that named Rapunzel. o Rapunzel is the animation movie that is beautiful for kids. o I`ll try to study English with that. o I guess It`s gonna be like fun. 라푼젤_영어.hwp I took a bus which I hadn`t done in a long time. <Thurs day, December 7.> o I came at work by bus this morning. o Today, I took a bus, which I hadn`t done in a long time. (= for a long time) o Because, It was snowed yesterday, so I left my car at work. o Come to think of it. It was good thing (that) I took a bus.(생각해 보니, 버스타길 잘했다) o It only take about 40 minutes by bus. < 오랫만에 표현 .. I drank weak coffee this morning. Can I have it weaker? o I got up at 5:24 am. this morning. o I had a breakfast at 7 am. and then washed my face. o I came my office at 7:50 am. o I read English newpaper The Kis Time that I have been reading since october. o I also drank coffee with my colleague(co-worker) Jina. o Coffee that I drank was weak Americano coffee. * I learn a new sentence and made it. - 진한커.. study about 'looked like~ ' <Monday, Novenber 27. 2017> This is what I learned sentence today morning. Just now(before), on my way here, I saw a dog (that was) wondering around by itself. It looked really dirty It looked like it hadn`t taken a bath in a serval months. It was pretty clear (that) it didn`t have an owner. The worst thing was the dog was so skinny It almost looks as if it had nothing l.. Below sentence <Thursday, November 23, 2017> 매일 영어가 쉽지 않다. It is not easy to study English everyday. 자신과의 약속을 지키는것 또한 쉽지않다. Also, It`s hard to Keep my plan and appointment. 나는 시간이 허락되는 대로 영어 공부를 한다. I have been studying English as time permits. 오늘 아침에 휴대폰에서 내가 사용하고 .. I`m gonna have to start writing diary in English. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Monday, November 20, 2017 I am going to have to start writing diary in English. It`s like I am became helpful that I had learned English grammer through YouTube yesterday. It`s kind of chilly today. I am going to attend funeral this evening because my close colleague`s father passed away yesterday.. 이전 1 다음