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I drank weak coffee this morning.

Can I have it weaker?

o I got up at 5:24 am. this morning.

o I had a breakfast at 7 am. and then washed my face.

o I came my office at 7:50 am.

o I read English newpaper The Kis Time that I have been reading since october.

o I also drank coffee with my colleague(co-worker) Jina.

o Coffee that I drank was weak Americano coffee.

* I learn a new sentence and made it.

 - 진한커피 : strong coffee

 - 연한커피 : weak coffee

 - 나는 진한(연한)커피를 좋아합니다 : I like strong(weak) coffee.

 * 커피는 연하게 해주세요 : I would like my coffee weak.

                               : Can I have it weaker?