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be, get, become ~~ be : 상태 get : 상태의 변화 become : 변화의 결과 예시1) Up until a year ago, we were complete strangers. But after we met at a party, we got really close(r). Now, we have become best frients. 예시2) I was really sick. But after some time, I got much better. And now I`v become completely cured. 예시3) He was the slowest person in our class. But he exercised re..
Let`s talk English 01 - 1 Dialogos - 1 Aaron Harris : Hello, yeah, this is The Net Cafe... You want to talk to Becca? Sorry, she`s not here. ... Sure, no problem. Bay. Becca Harris : Aaron Harris! Aaron Harris : OH! Hi Becca. Becca Harris : Do you always answer the phone like that? Aaron Harris : Sometimes. Becca Harris : That`s not the way to answer the phone at work? You should say, " Thank you for c..
LIVE 34 English LIVE 34. 1. It`s good to see you. 2. It`s OK to be angry. 3. It`s hard to do it right. 정확히 하는건 어려워. 4. It`s so good to be home. 집이라 너무 좋다 5. It`s not difficult to find a Starbuks / when you`re on the road. 6. It was so nice to talk to you yesterday. 7. It was painful to see you suffer. 니가 고통받는걸 보니 고통스럽다. --&gt..
단어장을 생각나는대로 만들자 Yeon Han ▷ 2017. 9. 18.(월) 1. Proper【프로~퍼】 (형) (사회적.도덕적으로)올바른, 적절한, 제대로 된 Have Proper Petiquette : 올바른 페티켓 갖기 2. leash【리: 쉬】 (명) (동물등에 메는)가죽끈, 밧줄 / (불명) 구속, 속박 (동) 밧줄로 메어두다, 구속하다 First of all, You have to leash your pet all the time and everyw..
덩어리 - let me see if, let me check, let me think abuot Let me see if 렛미씨이프 ~인지 내가 알아볼께 ㅇ Let me see if he's fine. ㅇ Let me see if I have some more Let me check 렛미체크 ~ 내가 확인해 보께 o let me check my schedle o let me check your temperature Let me think about 생각좀 해볼께 ㅇ let me think about what you said ㅇ let me think about yourb offer 너의제안을 생각해볼께
생겨날지도 모르고, 발설될지도 모르는 당신의 정보 ㅇ Do you want your authorised recipient to receve information about you, that may arise or be revealed in the couse of this application? o Do you want your friend to get your information? o Do you want your friend to get your information that may arise or be revealed? * Let me tell you about wind. : 바람에 대해서 말해줄께요. o There were students waiting outside i..
영어 버블 깨트리기 올리버쌤의 영어공부 팁이 와 닿는 시간이였다. (버블) 1. 영어에 노출시키자. 2. 팟케스트를 이용하자. 3. 영어하는 친구를 사쥐자. (영어단어 외우기) 1. ANKI(암기) 2. 책읽기 3. Wtitting. * free kids books * KINDLE * 진저프로그램. (무료추천 사이트) 1. Manythings.org 2. 브레이킹뉴스 잉글리쉬 3. 언어교..
C1school1-25강(even if : ~ 해도, ~ 할지라도, ~ 하면서도) 25강 even if ~해도, ~할지라도, ~하면서도 ◦ 아이스크림을 좋아해도 사줄 수 없어(Even if you like Ice cream, I don`t buy this) ◦ 니가 배고파도 나는 밥을 사줄 수 없어(Even if you are hungry, I don`t buy meal(food)) ◦ 나는 시간이 없어도 매일 공부 할거야(Even if you are don`t have time, I will study) ◦ ..