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--------- 공 부

top notch(homework) 2/14



ㅇ What food you like to eat every week

1) 나는 주로 밥, 야채, 김치, 된장찌개를 좋아한다

I usually like to rice, kimchi korean soup such as 된장찌개(bean-paste pot stew) and vagetables

※  bean-paste(콩-풀(된장찌게)) / pot(원통형 그릇) / stew(불로 끓이다)

2) 가끔 삼겹살과 소주를 즐긴다

Sometime, I enjoy eating 삼겹살(bone rib, kind of bacon) with SOJU which is korea whiskey

ㅇ Discuss food and heath   (heathy or not heathy)

3) 건강에 좋은 음식의 종류로는 야채류이다.

I belive vegetable are very good for health

※ vegetable give energy to our body

4) 내가 즐겨먹는 김치, 된장찌개는 건강에 좋은 음식이라고 생각한다.

Kimchi and 된장찌개 is very healthy and also it's very tasty so, I enjoy eating them.

5) 몸에 나쁜음식은 패스트푸드이다.

I think a fast foods are bad for our health, they only helps us gain a useless weigh

6) 패스트푸드의 종류로는 맥도날드, 버거킹 이라고 생각한다

Fast foods are such as Mc donalds and Burgerking.

7) 술을 많이 먹는 것은 건강에 좋지 않다고 생각한다.

I also think drinking to much alcoholic is bad for our health

'--------- 공 부' 카테고리의 다른 글

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