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--------- 공 부

Top nouch(2/21) Thursday

1.  지난 화요일 수업 참석하지 못해 죄송합니다.

    I am very sorry for not attending calss last tuesday --> on problem


2. 출장업무와 회식때문에 수업에 참석하지 못했습니다.

    I was on buessines trip and also dinner engagement

   (*engagement : 약속, 예약, 약혼..)


3. 다음 금요일 수업 참석 할 수 없을것 같습니다. 죄송합니다.

   I truely sorry that I will not be attending a calss this friday.


4. 저의 친한 친구의 생일파티가 있어서 수업에 참여할 수 없을것 같습니다.

  I will miss a calss beacase I have to go to friend's birthday party.


* I,m inthe mood for seafood (sing, dance, drinking....)

* Yor're out of luck

* Let's go out


- vowel : 모음 ( a e i o u...) / an owl

- consonant : 자음의

- This is little candle

- salt shaker

- pepper shaker

- basket of chips

- salt mines : 소금광산   / salt is very important

   ** mine : 광산, 철광/풍부한자원/ 지뢰

    (They left mines / charg a mine : 지뢰를 장전하다 / lay a mine : 지뢰를 부설하다)

- dinnerware : two fork, knife, spoon

- silverware(= silveplate) : 은그릇, 식탁용

- dinnerglass

- nice restant

- blazer : 블레이저코트(화려한스포츠형상의), (불이있는)보온냄비 cf. 새빨간거짓말

- tableclaths : 식탁보

- chili peper

- thai chicken

- water chestnut  : 마름(수생초) / chestnut : 밤, 밤나무, 밤색의

- sesame : 참깨  / sesame seeds : 씨앗

- cilantro

- tortilla : 납작하게 구운 옥수수빵

- avocados :  many kind of avocados

Enter for a chance to win $500!



(1) Excuse me! => waiter attention

(2) We're ready to order

(3) We'll take the check, please

(4) Is the tip included?   ++>  another menoy for serves

(5) Do you accept credit cards?  --> cf) this is cash momey

cf..(6) What kind of soup is there?

     (7) What does that come with?

     (8) What kind of main coure is there?



Have a good night!

'--------- 공 부' 카테고리의 다른 글

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