본문 바로가기

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C1school1-18강 ~to : ~ 하러 / ~ 하기 위하여



to ~ : ~ 하러 (맨뒤에 온다)


<복습> ~ to : ~ 하기를

I like to take bus (버스타기를)

I like to study English.(공부하기를)

I like to drink coffee in Starbugs in the morning. / cf. I like coffee(나는 커피를 좋아해)

He likes to eat beef.(먹기를) I like to work (일하기를)


~ 하기 위해서, ~ 하러 / ~ `하기를

~ to be pretty, ~ to be famous, ~ to be bright, ~ to be rich, ~to be smart

I went to plastic surgery to be pretty.(예뻐지려고 성형외과에 갔어)

I go to hospital (medical establishment(기관)) to inject nutrition supplement(보충)

나는 영양제 주사 맞으러 병원(내과)에 갔다.


~ to : ~ 하러

I am going to Starbugs to drink coffee.

I go to 강남역 to work.

I go to 신당동 to eat 떡볶기.

I go to theater(극장) to see movie I got Ticket to see movie (영화 보려고 티켓을 샀다)

I am going to America to study English.(가까운 미래)

I went to  home to sleep. (웬홈)

I make money to study. (부정) I make money not to study

I got 금연초 not to smoke (나는 담배피지 않기 위하여(않으려고) 금연초를 샀다)

I went to  home not to meet her (나는 그녀를 만나지 않으려고 집으로 왔다)

I went to home in the morning to take a phone call.(전화 받으러) 과거 / not to take a phone

I went to home to bring money. (나는 돈 가지러 오려고 집에 왔다)

I go home in the morning to call 이시원.(이시원에게 전화하러) 현재

I exercise to be healthy (건강해지기 위해서 운동해)

I work to be healthy (건강해지기 위해서 일해)

(cf) I am healthy (나는 건강해)


<< eat(drink) = have some sandwich(햅썸) 뒤에 음식물 함께 와 >>

I went to home to have some milk. I came here to have some sandwich

I went to Starbugs in the morning to have some coffee.

I went to 강남역 to have some pizza.


Did you come here? (과거)

Do you come here? (현재)

Why did you come here?(왜 여기왔니?) I came here to get my T-shirt(~ 하러)

I came here to study English.