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--------- 공 부

C1school1-10강(be 대하여)



be동사에 대하여 (be 형용사)


(원형) be

(인칭) be am, are, is

(부정) be be not ~ / (cf. make don`t make)

(의문) You are busy Are you busy?

               This is fast Is this fast?


바쁘다 : busy be busy (busy = 바쁜) / I am busy / He is not busy

아름답다 : beautiful be beautiful / She is beautiful / This flower is beautiful.

덥다 : be hot / Outside be hot Outside is hot / Outside is not hot

춥다 : be cold / Outside is cold(O) / Outside cold(×)

크다 : be big / My bag is big

작다 : be small / You are not samll

배고프다 : be hungry / I am hungry/ I am not hungry. / Are you hungry?

빠르다 : be fast / This fast(×)

비싸다 : be expensive(익스펜씹)/This is expensive / Is this expensive?(이거 비싸?)

어렵다 : be hard / English is hard / Is English is not hard

쉽다 : be easy

이쁘다 : be pretty / This is not pretty.

◦ 나 바쁘지 않아 : I am not busy.

◦ 너는 바쁘지 않아 : You are not busy.(You aren`t busy.)

◦ (의문) Are you busy?(너 바쁘니?)

◦ (의문) Aren`t  busy?(너 바쁘지 않니?)  Aren`t  hungry?(너 배고프지 않니?)

◦ (의문) Isn`t  he busy?(그는 바쁘지 않니?) 

◦ (의문) Isn`t  this expensive?(이거 비싸지 않니?) 

괜찮다 : be O.K

좋다, 맛있다 : be good. / This is good./(의문)Is this good?/(부정)This is not good.



(cf.) 만든다(make), 탄다(take), 산다(get)

go to don`t go to / don`t take




'--------- 공 부' 카테고리의 다른 글

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