--------- 공 부
C1school1-19강 (많이, 적게, 더, 덜, 더잘해 )
2016. 12. 14. 10:18
19 |
많이, 적게, 잘, 더, 덜, 열심히(a lot, more, ~~) |
◦ I must eat a lot. 나는 많이 먹어야 해
◦ I must eat a little. 나는 조금 먹어야 해
◦ I must eat less. 나는 덜 먹어야 해
◦ I can eat more. 나는 더 먹을 수 있어
◦ I study hard. 나는 열심히 공부해.
◦ I study harder. 나는 더 열심히 공부해.
◦ I drive a lot today.
◦ You drove a lot yesterday.
◦ I drive better in korea.
◦ I speck English well.
◦ I speck English a little.
◦ I work late.나는 늦게 일해
◦ I have some sandwich a lot.
◦ I exercised a lot yesterday.
◦ I can study a lot today.
◦ I work more tonight.
◦ I went to America to speck English well.